Bunkers and beach - Far Cry 6

Old military Bunker on the right side

Old military Bunker on the right side

Santuario island beach with Old military Bunker in the background

Santuario island beach with Old military Bunker in the background

Santuario island beach

Santuario island beach

Santuario island beach

Santuario island beach

Aerial picture of Santuario island beach

Aerial picture of Santuario island beach

Old military Bunker on the right side

Old military Bunker on the right side

Old military Bunker on the right side

Old military Bunker on the right side

Path near a beach on Santuario island

Path near a beach on Santuario island

Old military infrastructure and path on Santuario island

Old military infrastructure and path on Santuario island

Old military Bunker on the right side

Old military Bunker on the right side

Old military infrastructure and path on Santuario island

Old military infrastructure and path on Santuario island

Some screenshots of the work I've done on Far Cry 6 as a Senior Level artist.
These locations are the first part of the environment players will experience. It was fun working on this.
The Level designer for this part of the game was Matthieu Chane

June 25, 2021